Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Onigiri! (Japanese Stuffed Rice Balls)

Okay so, I love Japanese culture, something about the art, the food, the media, the religion/spirituality of the people, and the scenery has me enamored and constantly eager to learn and experience more. I decided to take this fascination into the kitchen, and visited my local Japanese markets. For inexpensive prices you can get all the ingredients you need to make these amazing Japanese  stuffed rice balls or traditionally called, "Onigiri". The best part is they are completely customizable and overall just fun to make. I made these in particular with imitation crab, cucumber, and cream cheese and a little spicy japanese chili pepper. Hope you enjoy.

Ingredients (Makes about 4-6 Onigiri):
4 Cups Short Grain White Rice
1 Cucumber
3 Imitation crab Sticks
1 Block Cream Cheese
1 Sheet Nori (Toasted Seaweed)

Seasonings (Again, these are the seasonings I chose you do not need them, regular salt, pepper, or whatever sounds delicious is fine):
"Katsuo Mirin Furikake" - Seasoned Sesame Seed and Dried Bonito Mix
"Nanami Togarashi" - Chile Pepper, Ginger, Orange Peel, Sesame Mix.



1. Place 4 cups rice in a bowl and rinse rice thoroughly with water until water runs clear. Place in rice cooker and cook. When cooking is complete let rice stand for 10-15 minutes. Never Remove lid or the rice will be ruined.

2. While rice is cooking slice cucumbers into small size about .5 in. chunks. Cut Imitation crab sticks into small chunks, as well as cream cheese aiming for .5 in. x .5in blocks. Cut Nori into 2 in. x 6 in. strips.

Onigiri Prep

3. Removed rice when ready and spread out in a large flat basin, typically a "hangiri" But anything similar is fine like a casserole dish, plastic tupperware, ect... ect...
Hangiri and Rice Paddles
4. Sprinkle rice to taste with desired seasonings, and fold in with cutting motions careful not to smash the rice.

5. With wet hands scoop up rice to desired size and press together, use thumb to create divot in rice ball. Add desired fillings here. Add more rice over fillings and carefully press and shape rice ball together into desired shape. (Typically triangles, circles, and egg shapes are easiest) 

6. Place Nori strip up and around base of rice ball. (nori adds flavor and serves as a holder so the sticky rice does't get all over your hands feel free to do more or less according to taste.)

7. Enjoy with soy sauce, eel sauce, teriyaki or whatever you master of asian cuisine!

Nom Nom Nom...

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